Art shows
Every spring, art shows seem to pop up everywhere around my house. Many small towns close off some streets or set up parks for the day to hold the art shows. People come from miles away to wander around and admire the artwork. Large amounts of money exchange hands when art is purchased and artists compare their works to others. Growing up, my father insisted that I have some culture in my life. I didn't like being dragged to art shows back then, but now, I love them. My father would take me to the art shows and carry me around telling me about the paintings and creations. I always wished that I was at home watching cartoons.
I'm now one of those people who will drive for miles and miles to find art shows. I don't always go to purchase artwork since more often than not, I cannot afford anything. However, having culture in my life is something that I credit my father for and I very much continue that to this day. As much as I love theater and opera, that isn't something that is local and affordable. Art shows are most often free and not only enjoyable, but educational. I love to take my children to art shows and let them see the artists that paint in front of an audience and some of the artists that create pottery while people watch and admire. My children are learning to appreciate art shows because I do insist that they accompany me. I always reward them with something special afterwards, perhaps lunch or dinner at their favorite themed restaurant. They have taken to art shows fairly well and absolutely love when my father joins us. He takes the time to explain how important art shows are to my children, just as he did to me when I was younger. I walk behind them, smiling inwardly.
I have acquired a few exquisite pieces of artwork through my travels to various art shows over the years. There is a beautiful painting hanging in my foyer that I fell in love with the moment that I saw it. My husband thought that it was entirely too much money but I just had to have it. To me, art is not an expense, it is an investment. He doesn't like when I go to art shows because he fears that I will come home having emptied out our bank accounts. He has come to know, however, that I will not leave art shows with anything in my possession unless it is absolutely beautiful. Lucky for him, spring only comes once a year. And so do the art shows around my house.